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压力型锚杆支护滑坡的地震动力响应特性研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为研究地震作用下锚固滑坡的动力响应特征及压力型锚杆的受力机制,采用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了压力型锚杆联合格构梁支护的锚固滑坡模型,在此基础上,分析了锚固滑坡的加速度响应规律、地震动参数对加速度响应的影响以及压力型锚杆的受力特征等。结果表明:地震作用下锚固滑坡具有明显的高程放大效应,坡顶响应最强;不同类型的地震波作用时,由于其频谱特性的差异,锚固滑坡的加速度响应不同,锚固滑坡对输入地震波的低频段存在放大作用,对高频段具有滤波作用;随地震波幅值的增大,锚固滑坡的加速度响应呈先减小后增大的趋势。对于同一根锚杆而言,锚杆杆体轴力分布较均匀;对于同列不同排的锚杆而言,各排锚杆杆体的轴力值差异较大,自上而下呈"C"型分布,底排锚杆和顶排锚杆承担大部分荷载。研究结果对于压力型锚杆支护滑坡的抗震设计具有一定的指导意义。   相似文献   
从工程实例出发,介绍了土钉墙与锚索联合支护的施工过程和注意事项,验证了该支护方法应用于深基坑支护中的安全合理性,并根据在施工过程中揭示的地下土体情况及时调整支护设计参数和施工方案,发挥基坑信息化施工的优点,确保了工程的顺利进行。  相似文献   
500 kV输电线路黄河大跨越塔基工程分地下和地上两大部分,集多种施工工艺方法于一体。重点阐述了钻孔桩施工,支撑系统的选择,高桩承台模板的支护,地脚螺栓的安放和大体积承台砼的浇注等施工关键工序、技术难点和重点的具体控制方法。  相似文献   
为防止老滑坡路段路堑开挖过程中出现路堑边坡失稳的问题,以在建某高速公路老滑坡段路堑失稳边坡为例,借助数值分析,进行了老滑坡路段路堑开挖与超前支护效果研究。结果表明:1)一般宽平台开挖模式能提高边坡的整体稳定性;然而,对于存在具有膨胀性质滑带土的牵引式老滑坡,坡脚采用宽平台刷坡减重不利于路堑边坡的稳定,必须要采取超前支护,如锚索、抗滑桩等,必要时要紧急采取清方卸载措施。2)锚索超前支护能够有效抑制边坡变形,需采用有效措施提高设置在坡脚处锚索的抗拉强度,如施加预应力等。3)抗滑桩超前支护应注意桩位、桩长、桩距的优化设计。建议抗滑桩采用锚拉,对桩前坡体中的滑带进行超前注浆,有必要沿老滑坡主滑方向布置多排抗滑桩,或采用h型桩体设计。  相似文献   
以济南市区深基坑支护工程实例为背景,分析了在周边环境复杂,使用土地范围受限情况下的市区开展深基坑支护工程,采用复合土钉墙支护技术,利用其形式多样、组合灵活的特点,充分发挥组合中各部件的优点,取长聚优,在保证安全的前提下以期达到技术经济的最佳;同时总结了施工中各个工序的施工要点和关键技术措施。监测数据显示基坑位移变形小,未对周边环境造成不良影响,说明支护体系发挥了良好的实施效果。  相似文献   
孙荣军 《探矿工程》2017,44(5):58-61
我国是采煤大国,大多数煤矿以井工开采为主,煤矿巷道掘进和支护的工程量很大,巷道支护钻孔施工需要消耗大量锚杆钻头,锚杆钻头的设计和制造技术也得到了快速发展。介绍了锚杆钻头的发展和应用现状,对我国煤矿现用的锚杆钻头的技术特点、适用性进行了分析,并结合煤矿巷道支护的实际需求,提出了施工硬岩和复杂地层时锚杆钻头存在的问题,最后从锚杆钻头设计、加工工艺等方面,阐述了锚杆钻头的发展趋势。  相似文献   
Drag anchor is a widely used economical anchor option for offshore floating structures. The anchor behavior under unidirectional loading and combined loading is important for anchor selection. The anchor behavior under combined loading, characterized by the yield envelope, can also be used for the prediction of anchor installation, which is still an issue in anchor design. However, most existing studies on anchor capacity are for plate anchors which focused only on the anchor pullout capacity in soil with uniform shear strength. The behavior of drag anchor under unidirectional and combined loading in soil with linearly increasing shear strength profile is seldom investigated. The current 2D finite element studies investigate the anchor behavior for a horizontal anchor fluke in clay with linearly increasing shear strength under unidirectional vertical, horizontal and rotational loadings first. Then based on the results of anchor unidirectional loading behavior, the yield envelopes for anchor under combined loading for both shallow and deep embedded flukes are studied. The effect of anchor embedment depth, soil non- homogeneity, soil overburden pressure and the soil/anchor interface breakaway conditions are studied to provide insight for drag anchor design.  相似文献   
Gravity installed anchors (GIAs) are the most recent generation of anchoring solutions to moor floating facilities for deepwater oil and gas developments. Challenges associated with GIAs include predicting the initial embedment depth and evaluating the keying performance of the anchor. The former involves high soil strain rate due to large anchor penetration velocity, while the later influences the subsequent behavior and pullout capacity of the anchor. With the coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian method, three-dimensional large deformation finite element models are established to investigate the penetration and keying of GIAs in non-homogeneous clay. In the penetration model, a modified Tresca soil model is adopted to allow the effects of soil strain rate and strain softening, and user-defined hydrodynamic drag force and frictional resistance are introduced via concentrated forces. In the keying model, the anchor line effects are incorporated through a chain equation, and the keying, diving and pulling out behaviors of the anchor can all be replicated. Parametric studies are undertaken at first to quantify the effects of various factors on the performance of GIAs, especially on the penetration and keying behaviors. Based on the results of parametric studies, fitted formulae are proposed to give a quick evaluation of the anchor embedment depth after the installation, and the shackle horizontal displacement, shackle embedment loss and anchor inclination at the end of the keying. Comparative studies are also performed to verify the effectiveness of the fitted formulae.  相似文献   
Plate anchor is one of the most common varieties of anchors used in the construction and maintenance work of various on-land and offshore structures. An accurate estimation of the uplift capacity of anchor foundations is necessary for an economical design as well as for the safety and stability of structures. This paper outlines the effect of shape of anchor plates on their breakout capacity, through a series of model tests. Both shallow and deep anchor behaviours were investigated under conditions developing suction force and without suction force. The results of these tests are presented in terms of load-displacement behaviour, variation of breakout factors (with and without suction force) with depth of embedment, the critical embedment depth of anchors and variation of suction force with embedment ratio. Further, the variations of breakout factor ratio with aspect ratio and embedment ratio are reported. Based on the experimental results and the model test results of other investigators an empirical relationship has been suggested to determine the shape factor and holding capacity of plate anchors buried in saturated cohesive soils.  相似文献   
针对黄陵矿业公司铁路运煤专用线K6 680~K6 800里程处路基沉陷特征,提出了采用预应力锚索框架梁加固路基垂直支挡结构和花管注浆法提高路基抵抗变形能力的治理方案。本论文对垂直支挡结构受力情况进行分析,对治理方案设计进行介绍。  相似文献   
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